雙相藝術 - 鐘山個展 Dualistic Art

Participating Artists: Zhong Shan
Exhibition Venue: New Age Gallery(Beijing)
Exhibition Period: 2007-09-21 ~ 2007-10-07

The theme of this exhibition is "Dual Aspect Art," which originates from the artist's unique creative concepts and their artistic expressions, as well as their distinct care and reflection on people, events, and objects in contemporary society. "Dual Aspect" literally suggests pairing: "Dual" implies pairs, while "Aspect" connotes appearance, form, and the results of comparative examination. In the art of Zhong Shan, "Dual Aspect Art" refers to portraying subjects, such as characters, through their appearances and forms in paired forms. They are juxtaposed for comparison and scrutiny, collectively expressing relationships such as inner and outer, self and other, reality and illusion, reason and emotion, spirit and material, dual images and correspondences. This approach conveys the artist's alternative perspective on examining contemporary society, reflecting symbols that carry the context of human society, historical culture, and contemporary ideological trends, interwoven in diverse interpretations of myriad forms, showcasing the vibrant complexity of today's world.