姿態的藝術 - 賈剛個展 The Art of Posture

Participating Artists: Jia Gang
Exhibition Venue: New Age Gallery(Beijing)
Exhibition Period: 2007.10.20 ~11.18

The theme of this exhibition is "The Art of Gesture," showcasing the expressive characteristics through symbolized bodily language. Human body gestures convey the most genuine aspects of life, emotions, and desires, demonstrating the uniqueness and profound meaning of bodily language. Gestures portray joy, relaxation, laziness, fantasy, love, and more, reflecting the contemporary urban lifestyle within a consumer society. These postures embody hedonistic colors while hinting at escapism, rebellion, and the complexities of loneliness and emotions. Through symbolized gestures, artists highlight the emotions and presence of characters, freeing artworks from the monotony of traditional art into a realm of expressive freedom.